For decades, arguments have raged over this question: Should there be science in science fiction?
And, as a reader, what should you expect from a sci-fi book in this regard?
Before I share my view, here’s a little background (it may sound like a research paper for a moment—but stick with me…)
- Consider the sci-fi pioneer, Robert Heinlein, who defined the genre as “realistic speculation about possible future events, based solidly on adequate knowledge of the real world, and … the scientific method.”
- His contemporary, Isaac Asimov, had parallel views. He said sci-fi was about “the reaction of human beings to changes in science and technology.”
Given that Heinlein and Asimov were trained as engineers and scientists, it shouldn’t surprise us that they believed there should be science in science fiction. Many classify their writings as “hard” sci-fi.
But is other sci-fi “soft”?
- Author Ursula Le Guin would disagree. She complained, “They [hard sci-fi authors] are not that interested in what human beings do, really. But I am. I draw on the social sciences a great deal.” Her priority is what we experience in a novel through the eyes of characters. In other words, it’s all about people, not technology.
Okay, background done.

Where do I stand?
Let me start by asserting that all fiction involves suspension of disbelief.
As a reader, you might be motivated by escapism or entertainment or edification—or a mix of these. Regardless of your motive, you want to get so engrossed in the story that you forget you’re reading.
Is it a story about an astronaut? 👩🚀 You want to get inside their spacesuit…inside their head…experiencing their thoughts and feelings as if in real-time.

Thus, the craft of writing matters a lot: the worldbuilding…the wants and warts and worries of the characters…even the phrasing of words, and how they evoke an emotional tone (Joy? Tension? Fear?).
All this and more is needed to draw you in and keep you there. Your emotions must come along for the ride.
Because a story that only enlivens the brain without touching the heart has little staying power.
(And, yes, there’s science behind that.)
So I believe in a character-first approach when I write. The story is about their inner and outer journeys. Hopefully every reader finds a slice they can relate to.

✋“But wait, Dan. What about the science? Should there be science in science fiction?”
It all comes down to what will connect with (or distract) a reader.
Imagine a novel in which gravity is completely disregarded. (Not just a zero-g environment…but no physical effects of gravity whatsoever). Would that draw in a reader? Or would ignoring how they normally experience gravity in the world distract them?
By the way, this is why “artificial gravity” has become such a trope in sci-fi—especially in movies. Especially in the early days, the production costs of showing people floating in spaceships (rather than striding confidently onto the bridge of the Enterprise) were just too high. The pseudo-science of artificial gravity allows us an “out” to maintain that suspension of disbelief.
But there’s another consideration for me: will a reader tell themselves, “Wow…that could really happen…”
That’s when the storyworld creeps into our world … our thoughts … our decisions.
Here’s where scientific plausibility can power credibility. When a story is believable, we’ll tend to stay in it. Enjoy it more.

One final—but very important—consideration is consistency.
If an author sets the tone early in a book that the rules of the universe still apply, then they should remain consistent. They’ve made a promise to you, the reader—and you’ll be very upset if they break that promise. Now, if they “bend” rather than break those expectations, you might go along. They don’t need to get all the fancy math right. But they shouldn’t invent some magical solution to a plot problem (well, unless magic is part of their sci-fi universe). Otherwise, they haven’t honored the rules of the world they’ve built for you.
So I think about 3 Cs:
- Characters – they drive the story and reader engagement
- Credibility – is enhanced with scientific plausibility
- Consistency – is key to honoring the reader’s expectations

Let me close with one of my 4 “rules of engagement” – my author promises to you.
- SCIENCE MATTERS: Respect the science. Yet explore fictional possibilities.
There you have it.
You can expect real science in my stories … with freedom to “bend” the rules & envision fun new tech.
Other sci-fi authors take a different approach. And that’s great for them.
I still read and enjoy their stuff.
May they live long and prosper. 🖖
And may you continue on your reader’s mission to explore strange new worlds…
One response to “Should there be SCIENCE in Science Fiction?”
Great article Dan. I’m with you, my sci-fi elements have to be explainable but not provable. In my case, I have 1880s earthlings running into 1300era societies which thinks they use magic based on powers bestowed on them by an Ancient Alien race, but it is really their technology that does the magical things. I have to be able to explain it all and make it make sense, but my readers just like my 1880s industrial earthlings don’t really need to know how it all works.